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You can read below a selection of Kasàlàs. This selection has been mainly put together to give the visitor an idea of the diversity of styles and genres. If you are looking for a specific type of Kasàlàs, you can use the filter option to refine your search.


You can read bealow a selection of Kasàlàs. This selection has been mainly put together to give the visitor an idea of styles and genres diversity. If you are looking for a specific type of Kasàlàs, you can use the filter option to refine your search


Fatou Mané Reine de Sipo

Je suis Fatou Mané Reine de Sipo l’île merveilleuse
Fille unique d’Almamy Mané
Et d’Aïssatou Touré une originaire du Mali
Ma famille descend d’une lignée royale de Guinée Bissau
Fille unique j’ai reçu l’éducation d’un garçon

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