From poetry to action


The word was inspired by the motto “From poetry to action” in the logo, which underlines the invitation not only to practice contemporary kasàlà, but also to exercise a double action:

  • individually : to make oneself a better person;
  • collectively: to contribute to making the world more fraternal, more human.
In these General Regulations, Kasàlaction is the short form for “Kasàlaction: association of practitioners of kasàlà”.


École du kasàlà de Rimouski (EKAR – School of kasàlà in Rimouski): an organisation created in 2020, providing online and in-person training on contemporary kasàlà according to N.S. Kabuta.

To poetise life means to sharpen one’s senses and awareness so as to perceive it in all its splendour, to marvel at and experience the joy that is at the heart of life, despite the challenges of various kinds.
Poetising life is an approach, or rather a posture, which consists in discovering the flavour of life, in participating in its natural movement, a spiral movement, initiated at conception by the meeting of an ovum and a spermatozoon, cells carrying complex heritages and continuing their development by incessant enrichment on various levels, according to laws, perhaps algorithms, which go beyond us.

To poetise life is to perceive and present it to our fellow human beings in its mysterious dimensions and to celebrate it in its different manifestations with a sense of gratitude.

Finally, to poetise life is to become aware of our power: the power to change, to grow and to give meaning to things, starting with life itself.

But we should note that life is often harsh, and that human beings do not necessarily have the skills to make society or the earth a pleasant and welcoming place for all and even for themselves. The double violence – against the other and against oneself – is constant and everywhere being perceived. For example, the domination of human groups by others is a source of stereotypes that hinder dialogue and cohabitation, just as the extent of distress in the various strata of society is a constant source of exclusion and suffering.

Recognising, on the one hand, the advantage for citizens to be in connection for individual and collective well-being and, on the other hand, contemporary kasàlà as a word of connection, an art of being alive and an art of defending human dignity based on the concept of ubuntu or the art of being human, we, the practitioners of kasàlà from diverse backgrounds, commit ourselves to contribute to the improvement of living together. We are driven by a sense of responsibility and humanity towards the society in which we live. We act by means of lively writing accessible to all, which leads to a word proclaimed in public and disseminated on social networks. Our speech is accompanied by the embodiment of it in our posture in the world.

This is what our action in the world consists of. This is what we mean by “moving from poetry to action” and what the term “Kasàlaction” summarises.


The word was inspired by the motto “From poetry to action” in the logo, which underlines the invitation not only to practice contemporary kasàlà, but also to exercise a double action:

  • individually : to make oneself a better person ;
  • collectively: to contribute to making the world more fraternal, more human.
In these General Regulations, Kasàlaction is the short form for “Kasàlaction: association of practitioners of kasàlà”.


École du kasàlà de Rimouski (EKAR – School of kasàlà at Rimouski) : organization created in 2020 and providing online and face-to-face training on contemporary kasàlà according to N.S. Kabuta.

Our mission

Kasàlaction brings together practitioners of contemporary kasàlà from all over the world, recognized by the School of kasàlà in Rimouski (EKAR), who explore, enrich and propagate this poetry of celebration, connection and defence of human dignity, while promoting the concept of ubuntu or the art of being human. In this way, it actively contributes to building a society where there is a better way of living together, respecting and welcoming human and cultural diversity.

Our objectives

The Team

Jean Kabuta
Jean Kabuta
Jeanne-Marie Rugira
Vice President
Elise Argouarc'h
Hadjara Balima
Annick hernandez
Annick Hernandez
André Dery
Sêssi Hounkanrin
Delphine Gérard
Associative life
Anne de smet
Anne De Smet
site management