Circle of HER
I am The Question to The Answer
I am Curiosity-Teach
I am Warrior for Healing
I am Guardian-for-Nonjudgement
I am Keeper-of-the-Circle Made sacred by the stories
I am Liberate-Natural-Creativity
I am River collecting precious tears
Allowing them to crash against my banks as they flow away
I am Waterfall steadily streaming allowing HER to observe move towards take of the overflowing rush and choose to
pass through when ready the pain
I am SHE-Bringer-of-Wisdom SHE-Who-Filters to mitigate pain suffering crisis
I am the Willow Tree HOPE demonstrated
Calling HER to safe space journey surrender innermost HER belonging
I am Linda-Stands-For-HER
The Circle of HER
Brave Space created
Brave Embrace cultivated and so I honor Sister HER
I am New-born-Butterfly
I am-New-Eyes-Going-All-In-Side-Depth of ME I am Transformation-Determined to BE
I am Sister-HER Rhonda
I am the OAK tree with seeds of new essence
I am Pillar-Of-Silent-Strength holding space for observation and renewal
I am Embers-Of-Morning-Horizon Dying the old day and dawning New ME
I am Sister-HER Betty
I am Wise-Owl-Power-Athena
warrior when forced but peacemaker and wisdom are my true nature
Watch out world I am Depth-Untapped
I am Mother earth’s Voice grounding – connector
I am Sister-HER Mandy
I am VOICE Primordial silence. Beingness listens
I am Light-Shines-Through
I am See me Know me I am taking up space I am You Cannot Dull My Shine
I am Sister-HER Liza
I am I found my strength and it dwells in me and over flows to my girls
I am joy can’t be held down
I am Gift-Giver-Laughter cannot hide My essence is laugh damn it
I am Sister-HER Rachelle
I am silver haired beauty
I am Beamed-Light-heart- Fullness of Grace
I am Life’s-innocent-simplicity-awakening-to-me
I am Sister-HER Jenny
I am La Niobe African -Jamaican – Canadian
Keeper of Womans stories past and future
I am Sacred Essence Storyteller
I am I Heal as I am guided to help others heal
I am Kasala animator
I am Sister-HER Patricia and I honor you all